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Owosso Kart Speedway - OKS

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Race Day Forecast

Track Status

Green Flag Racing

Winners March 3, 2025
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Race Canceled 6/1/24
With much sadness we have to cancel Races tonight 6/1/24 due to weather. Mother Nature wins again. Looks like the rain will move in around 6:00-7:00. We would hate to get you here and then send you home. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Please share to spread the word.
Posted: Jun 1, 2024
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Sat June 1st June Bug Thriller Purse for Animal & Clone Heavy
Sat June 1st June Bug Thriller Purse for Animal & Clone Heavy. 1st $300 2nd $200 3rd $100 ($35entry fee) Sat. Kart Races- Gates open at 2pm, Practice at 4pm, Racing at 6pm
Posted: May 25, 2024
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Sat. May 11th & Sun. May 12th
Sat. May 11th Kart Race #2 Gates open at 2pm, Practice at 4pm, Racing at 6pm. Sun. May 12th AMA D-14 Motorcycle Race TT Track Gates open at 8am, Practice at Noon, Racing at 2pm. $$Combo Purse $$ 1st $350, 2nd $250, 3rd $200, 4th 150, 5th $100
Posted: May 7, 2024
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Age 15 and up
Min Weight 360lbs

WKA Animal engine rules

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.


Clone Heavy

Age 15 and up
Min Weight 375lbs

Open Clutch and gear rule

AKRA B.S Rules, Big Pipe

Tech. only class

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Clone Light

Age 15 and up
Min Weight 350lbs

Open Clutch and gear rule

AKRA B.S Rules Stock Muffler only

Burris ss33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Green Plate

Age 8-10

No weight rule

Green plate clone engine or predator

open clutch and 14 tooth Driver

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

4.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

5.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Jr 3 Blue Plate Predator

Ages 12-15
Min weight- 300lbs
Blue plate predator engine big pipe

Open clutch and gear rule

Burris SS33A Tire Rule



1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

**Predator rules are same, no mixing and matching of parts from hemi to non-hemi, may remove low oil sensor and governor, may use AKRA carb, may use AKRA pipe, may use 10.8 pound valve springs, may remove stock gas tank and use floor mounted tank with fuel pump, must add chain guard, NO OTHER MODIFICATIONS ALLOWED AT ALL, 5900 Rpm rule while racing. There will be a $200 claimer rule in all predator classes, u must finish the race to claim engine, and each racer in the class will be allowed 1 claim per season and must run the engine that they claimed at the next race. Any engine can be claimed but no back claiming, u must claim an engine that finished ahead of you. All bolt on parts will not be included in the claim such as carb, exhaust pipe, chain guard, top plate, fuel pump etc.

Jr 3. Blue Plate Clone

Ages 12-15

Min. weight 300 lbs.

Restricted with a .550 plate.

Open clutch and gear rule, big pipe

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Jr. 2 Purple Plate Clone

Ages 8-12

Min weight 265 lb.

Small pipe, open clutch and gear rule

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Jr. 2 Purple Plate Predator

Ages 8-12
Min weight 265

Small Pipe, Open clutch and gear rule

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

**Predator rules are same, no mixing and matching of parts from hemi to non-hemi, may remove low oil sensor and governor, may use AKRA carb, may use AKRA pipe, may use 10.8 pound valve springs, may remove stock gas tank and use floor mounted tank with fuel pump, must add chain guard, NO OTHER MODIFICATIONS ALLOWED AT ALL, 5900 Rpm rule while racing. There will be a $200 claimer rule in all predator classes, u must finish the race to claim engine, and each racer in the class will be allowed 1 claim per season and must run the engine that they claimed at the next race. Any engine can be claimed but no back claiming, u must claim an engine that finished ahead of you. All bolt on parts will not be included in the claim such as carb, exhaust pipe, chain guard, top plate, fuel pump etc.

Ohio Stock Predator

Age 15 & up
Min Weight 375 lbs.

Must keep everything stock, 5500 rpm rule and governor must stay in and surge, drum clutch, drill 1/4 hole in fuel cap for venting,

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

1. Box stack out of box, harbor freight items #60363 Or #69730 (hemi allowed as well as older model hemi is #60363) 2. You may remove gas tank and go with the floor model tank with fuel pump. Stock gas cap may be drilled with an 1/8" Hole to stop fuel starvation or vapor block. 3. Add top plate and throttle linkage (if removing tank) governor must remain operational 4. Stock air cleaner, no modifications 5. Stock flywheel, with key installed no modifications 6. 5500 RPM rule which means Governor stays intact and must work, no billet flywheel 7. Stock exhaust no modifications 8. Car is stuck as factoring no modifications jet is no go gauge at .032 9. Add chain guar 10. Drum clutch only 11. Bodies at Drivers Discretion. 12. Weight 375 13. $200.00 Claimer Rule $45.00 to the track. Refusal is automatic 1 race suspension, and forfeit of nights payout, No Refund, second refusal is season suspension. Claimed motor must be run at the next event by the claimer, and will be marked by the tech man, if not the motor must be returned to its owner in original claimed condition, and the money is retained by the motor owner


Ages 15 and up
Min weight 375 lbs.



1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Can run both drum or axle clutchs

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

7. All motors must have a muffler.


Rookie Red Plate

5-7 years
No Min weight
Red plate

Open clutch, Small Pipe

Burris SS33A Tire Rule



1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

Small Block Open

Ages 15 and up

Min Weight 375lbs.

14.5 Small Block Engine, Open Clutch


1. Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track. We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2. Must run a disc or drum style clutch. No axle clutches.

3. May run any gear ratio.

4. Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required. All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5. No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6. Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

**Small Block Open will be 14.5 Cubic In. displacement rule, 375 # Weight, NO BILLET BLOCKS, if it fits bolt pattern of Briggs, clone, Honda, etc. it is legal, open from there, wedge bodies and wings are ok.

Stock Predator

Ages 15 and up
Min weight- 375lbs

Open Clutch, Big Pipe

Burris SS33A Tire Rule


1.  Kart and safety equipment must have passed safety inspection before taking to the track.  We reserve the right to disallow any kart from competition if officials determine it is not safe to race.

2.  Must run a disc or drum style clutch.  No axle clutches.

3.  May run any gear ratio.

4.  Must abide by track safety rules, including safety equipment required.  All other published track rules and regulations will be enforced.

5.  No performance enhancing fuel or oil additives are allowed.

6.  Fire resistant, full racing suits are highly recommended.

1. Box stack out of box, harbor freight items #60363 Or #69730 (hemi allowed as well as older model hemi is #60363) 2. You may remove gas tank and go with the floor model tank with fuel pump. Stock gas cap may be drilled with an 1/8" Hole to stop fuel starvation or vapor block. 3. Add top plate and throttle linkage (if removing tank) governor must remain operational 4. Stock air cleaner, no modifications 5. Stock flywheel, with key installed no modifications 6. 5500 RPM rule which means Governor stays intact and must work, no billet flywheel 7. Stock exhaust no modifications 8. Car is stuck as factoring no modifications jet is no go gauge at .032 9. Add chain guar 11. Bodies at Drivers Discretion. 12. Weight 375 13. $200.00 Claimer Rule $45.00 to the track. Refusal is automatic 1 race suspension, and forfeit of nights payout, No Refund, second refusal is season suspension. Claimed motor must be run at the next event by the claimer, and will be marked by the tech man, if not the motor must be returned to its owner in original claimed condition, and the money is retained by the motor owner
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